
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day: Date, History, observance, and facts

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On December 18, wear something green, pick up the phone, and celebrate Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day! There have been dozens of excellent Christmas movies released throughout the years, but perhaps none as lovable as Will Ferrell’s Elf. So, this December 18th, repeat after us: “Buddy the Elf, what color do you love the most?”

In the 2003 movie Elf, Will Farrell played Buddy the Elf. Answering the phone like Buddy the Elf not only surprises unsuspecting callers, but it brightens their day, too. As your day goes along, it will most certainly brighten yours! Who can resist a giggle or a smile when being elf-like.

History of Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day :

Elf is not exaggerated when it comes to being the best Christmas movie of the 21st century. In fact, Fandango users have recognized it as such. However, did you know that Elf as we know it could have been a completely different film? Will Ferrell was not even chosen to play Buddy at the beginning!

Originally, David Berenbaum wrote the script for Elf with Jim Carrey in mind for the role of Buddy. He later rewrote the screenplay with Adam McKay and (second gasp) Will Ferrell as his later writing team. In spite of his desire to be part of Ferrell’s first film after Saturday Night Live, Jon Favreau initially had little interest in this very dark script. Instead of declining the opportunity, Favreau rewrote the script and turned Buddy’s world into a tribute to the Rankin Bass Christmas specials.

Changing the movie from a raunchy dark comedy to a genuine Christmas movie allowed them to rate it as PG instead of the PG-13 rating the original script would have had. He took an enormous risk by playing Buddy, describing the role as one that could either make or break his future career. Although Terry Zwigoff was approached to direct the film, he declined due to his commitment to another Christmas comedy, Bad Santa.

As a result of searching for multiple directors, Jon Favreau ultimately decided to direct the film himself. Buddy evolved into the hilarious, endearing, and charismatic character we all fell in love with in 2003 as a result of Favreau’s willingness to give Ferrell the freedom to make Buddy his own. Ferrell even improvised many of our favorite classic lines, such as “You sit on a throne of lies.”

How to observe Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day:

Simply answer the phone and say “(Insert your Name) the Elf, what’s your favorite color.” As you answer, smile and spread some joy. It’s nearly impossible not to. Encourage others to do the same. Don’t be alarmed if an elf-like voice answers your call.

Additional ways to celebrate as you answer the phone include dressing up. You can dress like an elf. Wear a Santa hat or an ugly sweater. Do you wear holiday socks? Be sure you deck yourself out. Hold a desk decorating competition or a fundraiser for a charity that day, too. Bake elf treats to share with coworkers. Let us know how your elfen phone calls go.

Another way to celebrate Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day is by telling elf jokes. It’s all in the spirit of the day. Elves spread fun and joy wherever they go. We even have a few to help get you started.

Interesting Facts about Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day:

  • The movie Elf was a box office hit and earned over $31 Million in the opening weekend
  • The movie grossed $173.40 million at the Box office
  • Elf; The Musical that was performed on Broadway grossed over 1 million dollars
  • The original script of the movie Elf was a dark comedy written by David Berenbaum
  • In 2014, NBC featured Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas, an animated stop-motion, television special.
  • The Colorado Rockies, a Major League Baseball team involved in the celebration by posting a photo shopped gif of their manager Bud Black. It depicted the manager as Buddy the elf who was answering to the team.


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