
Clean Comedy Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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Clean Comedy Day 2023: Clean Comedy Day is observed annually on April 28 and honours excellent, clean humour. Even though comedy can be a vehicle for the subversive, filth is not always necessary for it to be amusing. In fact, the more you can do without resorting to shock value and crudeness, the simpler it will be for everyone to understand your jokes. This more family-friendly form of amusement is celebrated on Clean Comedy Day by keeping it clean so that everyone can participate in the laughter.


Clean Comedy Day was established in 1995 by the Comedy Barn Theatre in Tennessee, which focuses on putting on shows that adults and children can appreciate. Racially insensitive humour is not for everyone, especially not for minors. The primary advantage of clean comedy is its ability to reach a broader audience. This will cultivate a greater appreciation for the art of comedy, particularly among those who have been turned off by the rise of profane humour and humorists in the modern era.

In other words, a more diverse group of admirers will anticipate your next performance. In the past, legendary comedians have discussed the benefits of pure comedy. Bob Newhart once stated that achieving chuckles with clean material is a challenge that gives him a sense of accomplishment and validation as a comedian when he succeeds. In the meantime, David Brenner criticised comedians who overuse profanity in their material, stating that it is solely “an attempt to sell weak jokes.”

Thus, the key to excellent comedy lies not in its shock value, but in the quality of the jokes’ writing and the performer’s wit and timing. Historiographically, authors such as Aristophanes and William Shakespeare composed witticisms that have proved to be timeless. To commemorate Clean Comedy Day, tens of thousands of venues around the globe host clean comedy events and competitions that challenge comedians to eschew blue quips in favour of more wholesome and expansive material. The purpose of the day is to demonstrate that comedy can be amusing without the use of profanity, innuendo, or edginess.


Take your children out for an evening of laughter.

On Clean Comedy Day, you do not have to fear about your children being exposed to offensive language or inappropriate themes. Take your family to a clean comedy show at a local club that has consented to participate. What could be better than a night full of laughter for everyone?

Listen to the wit of the ages

There have been numerous comedians in recent history whose careers have been built on pure humour. Enjoy some videos, podcasts, or audio recordings featuring benign characters such as Jim Gaffigan, Bob Hope, Sinbad, and Jerry Seinfeld.

Make your own way

Everyone is born with a sense of humour. Tell your friends and family some (clean) quips and unleash your inner clown.

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Yes, what’s going on?

“Why do they call it ‘rush hour’ when nobody is moving?” The actor Robin Williams

From the wit maestro

“Time travels as fast as an arrow. Fruit travels like a banana.” Groucho Marx –

How practical is that!

It’s remarkable that each day’s worth of global news fits perfectly into a single newspaper. – Jerry Seinfeld

Take it simple

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” The actress Lily Tomlin

Makes one consider the statement, “Hard work pays off in the future, but laziness pays off now.” Stephen Wright


It promotes enjoyment and amusement for all, including children.

Children love to giggle. It’s what they imbibe in their daily dose of cartoons, movies, and television, and the humour in these media is tailored to their mentality. Clean Comedy Day is a celebration of hilarity for both children and adults.

It honours comedy as a form of art

It is not always necessary for comedy to be vulgar, controversial, or socially fraught. The purpose of comedy is to ensure that everyone enjoys themselves, so jokes should not be made at the expense of others. The quips become more universal and relatable as a result.

It helps us learn how to chuckle at ourselves

Laughter, as the adage goes, is the greatest medicine. The more relatable and less condescending the comedy is to us, the more effective it is at making us laugh at ourselves and see the world in a more positive perspective.


Year Date Day
2023 April 28 Friday
2024 April 28 Sunday
2025 April 28 Monday
2026 April 28 Tuesday
2027 April 28 Wednesday

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