
From Diabetes, to thyroid, these diseases can increase the chances of Covid-19 reinfection 2 fold!

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Well if you have covid-19 you might think, well you are immune to it and now can move freely without masks or sanitiser? NO! You are wrong, that’s not how viruses work.

As per a new study, it has revealed that a person who has had Covid-19 is actually more prone to get the virus again.

Speaking to the leading daily, the doctors said, “Waning immunity in some people following the first episode of infection with the novel coronavirus may make them more susceptible to reinfection”.

What Increases The Risk Of Coronavirus Reinfection?

After the first encounter with the virus, you may think the chances of reinfection are lesser. The research, published in the journal BMJ Case Reports, noted that severe infection first time around may be followed by milder symptoms second time.

Are You At Risk Too? Diseases That Increases Your Chances Of Coronavirus Reinfection

Now you know that even though you have had coronavirus, there are high chances that you might get infected by the virus again. But, do you know that there are many other diseases which can cause covid-19 infection easier and faster?  Here are some of them:

1. Diabetes

Diabetes can double your chances of coronavirus re-infection.

2. Underlying Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is again another such disease that can make you more susceptible to coronavirus reinfection.

3. Obese

Obesity has many health complications. Also, obesity can also increase your chances of getting infected by covid-19.

4. Age

Age is a very complicated thing, Coronavirus can attack everyone irrespective of their age. But, according to the WHO – A person who is older has more chances of getting coronavirus re-infection. Why? Your immunity decreases with your age and thus you become prone to re-infections.

5. Chronic Respiratory Diseases

Coronavirus attacks your respiratory organs and thus it is of no surprise that a person suffering from chronic respiratory diseases can have more chances of coronavirus reinfection.

Symptoms Of Covid-19 Reinfection

Some of the symptoms of covid-19 reinfection are:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Unexplained muscle pain
  • High pitched wheezing
  • Disrupted airflow
  • Thinning of blood

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