
International Chihuahua Appreciation Day 2023: Date, History and Facts

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International Chihuahua Appreciation Day 2023: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day is observed annually on May 14 throughout the globe. International Chihuahua Appreciation Day honours Chihuahuas, the smallest breed of dog in the world, as the name suggests. Former Miss British Columbia and fitness advocate Nadia Alterio declared on her blog in 2020 that May 14 would henceforth be observed as International Chihuahua Appreciation Day, coinciding with the birthday of her own Chihuahua, Teaka. The breed was named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico and typically weighs between three and six pounds.

International Chihuahua History Appreciation Day

Dogs have been companions to humans for thousands of years. Archaeology suggests a period of 12,000 years, and it is a generally accepted fact that canines were the first domesticated animals. Ancient Greeks and Romans were known to publicly lament the loss of their canine companions by inscribing tombstones for their departed pets. Ancient Egyptians frequently named and buried their dogs and baboons alongside their masters.

The modern idea of companion ownership originated in Victorian England. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the social acceptability of owning a companion increased gradually. As soon as aristocrats began keeping canines for both hunting and companionship, pets became a status symbol. During the industrial revolution, the rise of the middle class led to the incorporation of pet ownership into the so-called “bourgeois culture.” As the prevalence of pets increased, the pet trade became lucrative, and soon London’s streets were filled with vendors selling various breeds. As the breed of the dog became a reflection of its owner’s social status, the significance of the dog’s pedigree increased.

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed officially recognised. It is believed to have descended from the Techichi, a small dog maintained by the Toltecs of Mexico in the ninth century A.D. Chihuahuas were quite uncommon until the early 20th century; the American Kennel Association registered the breed for the first time in 1904.


Celebrate with a Chihuahua-themed party

Do you adore Chihuahuas? International Chihuahua Appreciation Day is the best day to host a Chihuahua-themed party.

Post images of your Chihuahua on social networking sites.

On International Chihuahua Appreciation Day, if you own a Chihuahua, share your favourite photographs of your cherished dog. Your family and associates will adore it.

Donate to a Chihuahua shelter for strays

If you are able, you should donate to a Chihuahua rescue shelter. Each dollar counts.

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A caring disposition

Chihuahuas have a very affectionate personality.

A lack of faith in strangers

Chihuahuas are typically wary of strangers and perpetually vigilant for danger.

Quick students

Because Chihuahuas are quick learners, they excel at dog athletics.


that are not cold-tolerant do not fare well in the weather.

commonly misspelt

The correct pronunciation of the word ‘Chihuahua’ is closer to “shee-wa-wa.”


This is a pretext to coddle Chihuahuas.

Chihuahuas are incredibly cute! We enjoy any opportunity to lavish affection on them.

It is a chance to acquire a Chihuahua

Maybe you’ve been on the fence regarding adoption. Now is the ideal time to adopt a Chihuahua!

It provides an opportunity to spend more time with your companion.

If you have a Chihuahua as a companion, today is the ideal time to spend more time with them. We adore doing so for you!


Year Date Day
2023 May 14 Sunday
2024 May 14 Tuesday
2025 May 14 Wednesday
2026 May 14 Thursday
2027 May 14 Friday

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