
Last Minute Revision Tips To Ace JEE Advanced 2021

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JEE Advanced 2021 tips: JEE Advanced 2021 is scheduled to held tomorrow, October 3. A day before the examination, one should focus on how to retain what has been already studied.

Here’s a comprehensive list of last-minute revision tips that will help you reduce stress and ace your exam.


Do revision as much as possible. One should pay attention to the most difficult topics first. Identifying topics in particular that are the most difficult ones and focusing on them first. Focus on written notes and use pen and paper to scribble reminders if necessary.

Answering techniques

Read all the instructions in the question paper carefully before starting to answer. Attempt all questions which do not carry negative marks

Stop Using Social Media Platforms

Students should refrain from scrolling on Instagram and Facebook as it will prevent you from getting in a productive study flow.


Have a sound sleep. Always remember the proverb – Early to bed and early rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Recall memory

If your mind goes blank during the exam, do a simple breathing exercise to focus yourself, then have a calm read through the exam paper to find something you know well.


Eat healthy food to avoid weakness and stress while writing exam.

Avoid taking stress

The last 24 hours before an exam can be very stressful. Avoid taking the stress and do revision as much as possible.


Abhimany is a content enthusiast.

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