
National Birth Mother’s Day 2023: Date, History, Significance and Facts

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National Birth Mother’s Day 2023: National Origin This year, Mother’s Day falls on May 13, the Saturday before Mother’s Day (the second Sunday of May). It is a thoughtful gesture to honour birth mothers who chose adoption for their children. This day also honours birth mothers who were victimised and forced into placing their children for adoption, as they are just as deserving of recognition and assistance. It takes a special kind of fortitude to grow a human inside of you, bring them into the world safely, and then entrust them to the care of someone else. Therefore, it is not only a day for adoptees to commemorate their biological mothers, but also for adoptive families to honour the women from whom they received their child. Check out our gift guide if you would like to make the day extra special.


National Origin Mary Jean Wolch-Marsh and a group of other women who had to submit their children for adoption established and first celebrated Mother’s Day in 1990 in Seattle, Washington. They chose to commemorate it on the Saturday before Mother’s Day, which fell on May 12 that year, as a means to demonstrate solidarity and support for one another at a time when society was gearing up to honour the women who were raising children.

This is symbolic in and of itself because it brought to the forefront women who, despite their immense sacrifice, have been largely ignored by mainstream society. Thus, the primary purpose of this day is to honour those women who may ordinarily go unrecognised — without the special recognition accorded to officially recognized’mothers’ by the world.

National Birth Mother’s Day has evolved into an opportunity to educate others about adoption and the implications it can have for all involved parties. Especially for families with open adoptions, observing this day can assist them in recognising and expressing their gratitude to the birth mother of their child. Through their shared experiences, it can also help bring birth mothers together, nurturing a sense of community and belonging.

At the end of the day, birth mothers play a crucial role in any type of adoption; therefore, it is essential that these women be honoured for their brave decision, regardless of the circumstances in which they made it. However, this day can also be somewhat contentious, as it may touch on a sore spot regarding the relationship (or absence thereof) between adopted children and their birth mothers. Therefore, it must be navigated with caution and always with the consent of all parties involved, notably adopted children.


Spread affection

If you know anyone who has adopted a child or relinquished parental rights, as well as any support groups, reach out to them and express your concern. To honour these women, organise a special gathering featuring slam poetry and music. Utilise social media to spread the affection as well, using the hashtag #NationalBirthMothersDay.

Send a photograph and a note of appreciation.

In the case of open adoptions, express your gratitude to the birth mother for her sacrifice. Using a picture and a kind word, illustrate how their wishes for their child are being fulfilled.

Create a lasting reminder

Life is all about regeneration and expansion. As a way of remembering and honouring these women who nurtured life in their own wombs, why not do something positive for Mother Earth as well by planting a tree or plant of your choosing?

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It strengthens family ties

Children comprehend family dynamics from a young age and are not as oblivious to it as you might believe.

Knowledge is superior

A majority of adoptees prefer to know their natal mother and/or parents.

Likewise, birth mothers benefit.

According to research, open adoption birth mothers experience less regret over the decision.

Adoption narratives are typical.
In open adoptions, children are better able to cope with their origin stories because they are aware of them.

Birth mothers have autonomy
From selecting the family to determining their own conditions, birth mothers are empowered by having a voice.


It ensures visibility

This day brings an often-marginalized group of women into the spotlight and honours them for their bravery and fortitude in making such a challenging decision.

It reinforces family ties.

Let’s face it: households in any situation are chaotic. Adoption may appear to be a disaster on an entirely different level. However, research indicates that openness between adoptive families and birth mothers results in a more holistic parent-child relationship.

It propagates a pro-adoption message.

By honouring birth mothers, awareness is simultaneously raised about adoption and adoption processes. This portrays open adoptions in a positive light and can aid in educating and empowering those who have not yet made a decision.


Year Date Day
2022 May 7 Saturday
2023 May 13 Saturday
2024 May 11 Saturday
2025 May 10 Saturday

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