
National Cartoonist Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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National Cartoonist Day 2023: National Cartoonist Day is observed on May 5 each year. If you read the newspaper less for the news and more for the comic strips, then National Cartoonists Day is for you! This day commemorates the debut of the first newspaper comic strip (more on that later). It also recognises all cartoonists, past and present, as well as their incredible works.


During World War II, a group of cartoonists, including Gus Edson, Otto Soglow, Clarence D. Russell, and Bob Dunn, performed small cartoon performances in hospitals in 1943 to entertain the troops. The group grew and began performing in hospitals and military bases. Then, during a flight to one of the military bases, Clarence D. Russell suggested that the group establish a club so that they could continue to meet after World War II ended. 1946 saw the birth of the National Cartoonists Society (NCS).

In 1999, they initiated a holiday known as National Cartoonists Day. It was a tribute to all cartoonists and the works they produced. This concept was ascribed to Polly Keener and Ken Alvine, co-chairs of the National Cartoonists Day Committee, in news articles. This special occasion was inspired by the first full-color newspaper caricature, “Hogan’s Alley.”

On Sunday, May 5, 1895, the morning newspaper contained a small surprise for its readers. The New York World featured a single-strip, full-color illustration of a child with large ears, no shoes, and a mischievous expression. This comic strip (originally titled “Hogan’s Alley,” and later “The Yellow Kid”), created by American comic strip writer and illustrator Richard Outcault, was the very first commercially successful cartoon. This well-known figure quickly appeared on postcards, billboards, cigarette packets, and other product advertisements.

The appellation “The Yellow Kid” is rumoured to have inspired the term “yellow journalism,” though there is little evidence to support this claim. Note: ‘yellow journalism’ refers to newspapers that rely less on facts and more on appealing headlines and exaggerations to sell copies.

By the conclusion of “The Yellow Kid” in 1898, newspaper cartoons were a popular feature. Consequently, the demand for skilled cartoonists and illustrators also increased.

Activities associated with this Day

Distribute your work to the universe.

Are you a cartoonist? If so, share your works with others. Just a novice or straightforward doodler? Regardless, you should share your creations with the world.

Celebrate your favourite cartoonist

Love the work of a certain cartoonist? Learn more about the individual and their work, and give them a social media shout-out.

Enjoy your favourite animation

Grab a bowl of popcorn and nestle in to watch your all-time favorite(s) cartoon(s). Explore new episodes, revisit old favourites, and perhaps even broaden your horizons beyond your current favourites.

Children’s Day (Kodomo no Hi) 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts


“Calvin and Hobbes” ran from 1985 to 1995.

This little boy and his plush tiger, created by cartoonist Bill Watterson and referred to as ‘the last great newspaper comic,’ dominated the comic strip for ten years, enjoying widespread popularity and influence.

“Peanuts” (1950 – 2000)

Who doesn’t adore Charles M. Schulz’s creations, Snoopy and the crew, which are still popular today (via reruns)?

“Garfield” (1978)

This American comic strip created by Jim Davis was initially published under the name ‘Jon.’ We don’t know about you, but we want a selfish, sarcastic orange cat like Garfield, and possibly an Odie as well.

“Zits” (1997)

Popular cartoonist Jim Borgman’s depiction of adolescent Jeremy Duncan and his life, which first appeared in over 200 publications, has received numerous accolades for its realism.

“Dilbert” (1989)

This satirical office-based comic strip was created by Scott Adams, and it has become a cultural touchstone for many frustrated workers.

National Why We Love this Day

We adore animation

They are an excellent tension reliever because they transport us back to our childhood and make us laugh. The imaginative and creative storytelling inspires and provides a respite from reality. What else is there to say?

We adore caricaturists.

Cartoonists have improved our existence. Their caricatures are a never-ending source of hilarity, and they provoke thought and discussion.

Cartoons are for all audiences.

There is a cartoon for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, culture, or gender. We adore a day that allows us to recognise those who came up with such entertaining ideas and then shared them with us.


Year Date Day
2023 May 5 Friday
2024 May 5 Sunday
2025 May 5 Monday
2026 May 5 Tuesday
2027 May 5 Wednesday

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