
National Go Birding Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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National Go Birding Day 2023: National Go Birding Day is annually observed on the final Saturday of April. This year, the holiday is observed on April 29. This holiday celebrates the wonderful qualities of our feathered companions. There are nearly 10,000 avian species on Earth, with the chicken being the most common. Two-thirds of all avian species inhabit rainforests and can be observed year-round. There are periods during the year when they are more prevalent.


Around the middle of the eighteenth century, the majority of people observed birds for hunting or primarily for sustenance. Not until much later did the study of animals and nature gain widespread popularity. Between 1837 and 1901, people collected bird eggs and feathers, and subsequently preserved their feathers, during the Victorian era. Gilbert White, Thomas Bewick, George Montagu, and John Clare’s works from the late 18th century demonstrate an early interest in observing birds for aesthetic rather than nutritional purposes. The term “bird watching” first appeared in 1901 as the title of a book written by Edmund Selous. Prior to the advent of optics and field identification guides in North America, the identification of animals was accomplished by shooting them.

Florence Bailey’s “Birds through an Opera Glass” (1889) was the first field guide to be published in the United States. Beginning in the 1880s, there was an increase in interest in wild animals. Bird-watching first acquired popularity in the United Kingdom, followed shortly thereafter by the United States. Birdwatching is an inexpensive activity, which is one of its many allures. Binoculars, a notebook to assist in identification, and a way to record the time and location of sightings are standard equipment.

Many bird-watchers set up feeding stations in local parks or at their residences to attract birds, so travel is unnecessary. To determine the dispersal, habitat, and migration patterns of various species, scientists rely on inventories of bird observations compiled by members of local bird-watching societies. Around 1930, amateur birdwatchers increased their fieldwork, including photography.

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Take photographs

On National Go Birding Day, take out your binoculars and go birding with your family and friends. Photograph as many animals as possible today.

Visit a nature reserve

Additionally, you can observe this day by visiting a nearby nature preserve. If you are artistic, you should bring a sketchbook and coloured pencils to record the animals you observe.

Share social media posts

You can capture and share entertaining photos and videos of your favourite birds on social media. Additionally, you may use the hashtag #GoBirdingDay.

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Capability to imitate human

Certain birds, including parrots and ravens, can imitate human speech.

Largest mammalian pupils

Ostriches possess the largest irises of any mammal.

Birds are nomadic

Depending on the season, birds migrate to find sustenance and shelter.

Sleep with one open eye

Some ducks slumber with one eye open to maintain vigilance during group naps.

close to 10,000 species

There are more than 2,000 avian species in North America.


The opportunity to observe birds.

There are over 9,800 bird species in the globe, making it physically impossible to observe them all. National Bird Day enables bird enthusiasts to observe at least one of the 850 bird species native to the United States.

It binds us to the natural world

Birdwatching is possible year-round. It will get you outside, providing you with fresh air, exercise, and the opportunity to connect with nature.

It is an educational endeavour

Birding educates about birds’ behaviours and habits. Solo or with companions.


Year Date Day
2022 April 30 Saturday
2023 April 29 Saturday
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday

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