
National Sickie Day 2024 (UK): Activities, History, FAQs, and Dates

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National Sickie Day 2024 (UK): According to research started in 2011 by the British law firm ELAS, the first Monday of every February, also known as National Sickie Day in the UK, is the day when the majority of employees are statistically most likely to call in sick. This is a combination of gloomy weather, post-holiday depression, and seasonal illnesses, according to experts. It is not unexpected that depression and anxiety are prevalent during the winter season. Labor and mental health advocates contend that the social stigma associated with mental health concerns encourages numerous individuals to plead guilty to ‘legitimate’ ailments instead of mental health concerns, even though the term ‘ sickie’ implies deceit.

The History of National Sickie Day

ELAS, a British law firm, coined the term “National Sickie Day” in 2011 in response to research indicating that the first Monday of February is the most frequent day for British employees to call in ill. Justifications for staying up late to watch the American Super Bowl vary from illnesses and hangovers (it is, after all, the first Monday following Dry January) to staying up late to watch the game.

Approximately 600,000 employees called in sick in 2020, resulting in a 45 million pound cost to the British economy. Experts contend, however, that an employee may be more productive by taking a day off rather than reporting to work unwell, where they are more likely to transmit the illness and operate at a diminished capacity.

Employees who called in ill with a mental health condition were more likely to lie to their employers than those who called in sick with a physical condition, according to a 2015 survey. Employers, according to physicians and mental health experts, must emphasize the significance of mental health and eliminate the stigma associated with it. Furthermore, certain employers lack compassion for physical ailments; a mere 42% of senior managers considered influenza to be a valid reason to remain at home.

While it is true that Monday is the most frequently called day off for sick leave, other Mondays have surpassed the first of February as the day with the highest absence rates in recent years, thus diminishing the accuracy of the name “National Sickie Day.” Despite this, the ‘holiday’ continues to be a widely discussed topic and an acceptable reason for individuals to take the day off, secure in the knowledge that many others are doing the same.

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FAQs for National Sickie Day

Why do most people call in sick on Mondays?

Numerous individuals call in sick following a holiday weekend when they are more likely to contract a serious ailment, feel exhausted, or experience a hangover as a result of the weekend’s activities.

Is termination possible for committing a sickie?

Employers may terminate employees who are discovered fabricating or exaggerating a sickness or injury to obtain sick leave, as this constitutes a breach of trust and malfeasance.

Which excuse is most acceptable for phoning in sick?

Physical maladies and illnesses, such as back pain, influenza, or accident-related injuries, are the most acceptable reasons to call in sick.

Activities for National Sickie Day

Enjoy a day off.

That is an obvious one. Whenever possible, use your day off to devote time to your family, pets, or a hobby that typically consumes your schedule. 2. Advocate for the provision of mental health assistance A day for one’s mental health is acceptable. Donate to a cause-oriented organization dedicated to diminishing social stigma and facilitating the availability of mental health resources. 3. Take the day off from all activities. Your mind is not getting much of a vacation if you spend the day aimlessly scrolling through social media, even if you are staying home from work. For one day, make it a point to disconnect completely by avoiding Facebook, email, and news websites.

Encourage mental health assistance

A day for one’s mental health is acceptable. Donate to a cause-oriented organization dedicated to diminishing social stigma and facilitating the availability of mental health resources.

Enjoy a day off from all activities.

Your mind is not getting much of a vacation if you spend the day aimlessly scrolling through social media, even if you are staying home from work. For one day, make it a point to disconnect completely by avoiding Facebook, email, and news websites.


Year Date Day
2024 February 5 Monday
2025 February 3 Monday
2026 February 2 Monday

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