Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Why you need to stay from Sentinelese tribe in Andaman and Nicobar island

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At first Andaman and Nicobar Islands were unexplored Islands and had people generally known as Andamanese living since 60,000 years ago. During the British civilisation in India, the Britishers came to Andaman to extend their kingdom but when they entered they were attacked and somehow these Britishers entered and build many buildings like Cellular jail, Courts and some Government buildings.

These have created very angrily to the native Andamanese people. One day, a Prisoner named Doodhnath escaped from Prison and captured by a tribal. After more requests to not to kill him, they became friends (with the first outside person) and was married to two women. Thereby, there is an increase in number of attacks from the Britishers.

The tribal people have planned to attack Britishers but Doodhnath overheard the plan and he made a deal with Britishers and due to the effect, in the year 1859, many tribal people were killed by the bullets without any mercy in Aberdeen Bazaar and in history it was known as the Battle of Aberdeen. After the war, almost all tribals have known the effect of trusting outsiders.

American tourist John Allen Chau killed by tribals in Andaman island

Also, they were very well tortured and some has sent to Eastern India to clear the forests. Now they were separated and their numbers were eventually decreased.

What will happen if Sentinelese people come to Modern World?

  • 1. Their language will be extinct.
  • 2. They will be separated.
  • 3. Sometimes, they will even be made as slaves.
  • 4. Their happiness will be gone forever.
  • 5. They will be introduced to the Political MNC environment., which imposes many taxes on living their life.

All will be go disadvantageous to them. So it is better to leave them alone. But some people were taking some steps to meet them but Indian Government has taken one step higher to leave them alone. It won’t necessary everybody deserves to live as they like.


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Tags: Andaman & Nicobar Islands Sentinelese Sentinelese tribe