
Wordle Puzzle: Rules, how to play, tips and tricks about the game

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Wordle Puzzle: Wordle is a word-guessing online website game that has become an internet sensation lately. This game is quite similar to video games like animal crossing, in which the player has to complete 1000 pieces of puzzles. On social media, Wordle has even been termed as the perfect activity to start your new year with.

How to play Wordle:

To begin with, Wordle is not an application but more like an old-school game that you can only browse. You can also play Wordle on for free.

Players who are interested in paid knock off can even participate in paid tournaments on Apple and Google apps.

Rules of the Wordle Puzzle:

Playing Wordle is not everyone’s cup of tea but its rules are quite simple.

Players have 6 chances or try to guess a 5 letter word. The word you guess must be an existing word and you will get feedback on whether the word you guess is right or in exact position or not. This puzzle is released every midnight.

You get coloured feedback. If the box gets green it means your guess is right. The yellow box means the word is right but not in the exact position while the gray box graphic means your guess is totally Wrong.

Who developed Wordle:

Wordle was created by America’s Brooklyn-based software engineer Josh Wordle. He released this free-of-cost game in the fall of 2021. In starting apparently only 90 players were playing Wordle in November; however in the last weekend its users crossed to million.

Wordle creator Josh Wordle also confirmed on Twitter that Steven Crovotta, a follow developer with an application might donate his app development proceeds to the web browser game Wordle.

There is also a separate Twitter account the Wordle States exists that tracks numbers related to Wordle Puzzle’s Twitter mention, hard mod players, percentage of people who solved daily word puzzles in a given number of tries or chances.

Hard Mode Players are those users who use previously shown hints in subsequent guesses.

Wordle Puzzle: Tips and tricks

If you’re a word game purist, you may want to avoid the following tips and rely entirely on your own instincts. For everyone else who’s sick of seeing gray boxes, here are some tips that you may find helpful.

Choosing your first word: The first word is arguably the most important. To maximize the value of your opening gambit, choose a word with three vowels and five different letters. Some examples: orate, media, radio. I always use “adieu” for some reason. It’s a habit and I’m refusing to break it.

I just finished reading a fascinating piece by Tyler Glaiel, a programmer and game designer who tried to figure out the best possible starting word. Apparently we should all be kicking off Wordle with the word “ROATE”. Honestly, reading this whole article, it’s great.

Avoid reusing grays: There’s a keyboard at the bottom of the Wordle board that shows what letters are green, yellow and gray. Avoid reusing letters that have come up gray. Yes, this sounds obvious. But it can take time and effort to think of five-letter words that don’t use letters you’ve already tried. That effort will pay off.

Letters can appear twice: This complicates matters, especially when you’re running out of letters to try on word four or five. But letters often recur, as with words like chill, sissy and ferry having been the correct answers in the past.

Wordle app: Apple bans dangerous quiz apps from App Store; issues warning to delete


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