
World Orphans Day 2022: Date, History and Importance

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Did you know that there are more than 150 million orphans in the world? That’s one in every thirty children. And on World Orphans Day 2022, we remember them. This day is about more than just remembering, though. It’s about taking action to help these orphans. There are many ways you can get involved, from donating to charities that support orphans to becoming a foster parent yourself. No matter what you do, take some time on November 14th to think about the millions of children who don’t have parents and what you can do to help them.

What is World Orphans Day?

World Orphans Day is a day to remember the orphans around the world. It is a day to think about what we can do to help them. It is a day to pray for them.

There are an estimated 153 million orphans in the world today. They have lost one or both parents to disease, poverty, war or natural disasters. They are alone in the world. They need our help.

We can help by supporting organizations that work with orphans. We can also help by praying for orphans around the world. On this World Orphans Day, let us remember the orphans and what we can do to help them.

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The History of World Orphans Day

Each year on the second Monday in November, World Orphans Day brings awareness to the plight of orphans around the globe. This day also provides an opportunity for people to get involved and make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable children.

The origins of World Orphans Day can be traced back to an annual event called “Orphan Sunday.” This event was started by Anglican churches in England in the early 1800s as a way to bring attention to the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children.

Over time, Orphan Sunday grew into a global movement, with churches and other organizations holding events and fundraisers on this day to support orphans and other vulnerable children. In 2010, World Orphans Day was officially established as an international day of awareness and action for orphans.

Since its inception, World Orphans Day has been celebrated in countries all over the world. Each year, various events are held to bring attention to the needs of orphans and raise funds for orphanages and other initiatives that support these vulnerable children.

So far, World Orphans Day has made a significant impact in raising awareness about the plight of orphans around the globe. It has also helped to raise much-needed funds for orphanages and other initiatives that support these children. As we continue to celebrate this special day each year, we hope to see even more progress made in supporting orphans worldwide.

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The Purpose of World Orphans Day

World Orphans Day is celebrated around the globe. The purpose of World Orphans Day is to raise awareness about the millions of orphans worldwide who need love, family, and a permanent home. Additionally, World Orphans Day serves as a day of action – a day when people from all walks of life are encouraged to get involved and do something to help orphans in need. There are many ways to get involved, such as volunteering at an orphanage, donating to a reputable orphanage or child welfare organization, or writing letters of encouragement to children living in orphanages. No matter how you choose to get involved, your support can make a difference in the lives of orphans around the world.

How to Get Involved in World Orphans Day

There are many ways to get involved in World Orphans Day. Here are some ideas:

1. Spread the word about World Orphans Day. Tell your friends, family and co-workers about the day and what it represents. Use social media to help get the word out there.

2. Volunteer with or donate to a local orphanage or organization that works with orphans. There are many organizations doing great work to help orphans around the world, so find one that you can support.

3. Sponsor a child through an orphanage or child sponsorship program. This is a great way to directly impact a child’s life by providing them with love, care and support.

4. Get involved in raising funds for orphans. There are many ways to do this, from organizing a bake sale or car wash, to starting your own online fundraiser. Every little bit helps!

5. Pray for orphans around the world. This is something everyone can do, no matter where you are in the world. Lift up orphans in prayer, asking God to meet their needs and give them hope for the future.


World Orphans Day is an annual event that brings awareness to the millions of orphans around the globe. It is estimated that there are over 153 million orphans worldwide, and this number continues to grow every year. This day serves as a reminder that we need to do more to help these children who have lost their parents and are living in difficult circumstances. You can get involved by donating to orphanages or supporting organizations that work to improve the lives of orphans. There are also many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help orphans in your community and around the world. Whatever you do, remember that even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in the life of an orphan.


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