
Eeyore’s Birthday 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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Eeyore’s Birthday 2023: This year, Eeyore’s birthday will be commemorated on April 29. It occurs on the last Saturday of April. The melancholy and frequently sardonic protagonist of A. A. Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” has remained a beloved character for decades. This event was founded by Lloyd Birdwell, and while it does not coincide with the fictional donkey’s actual birthday, it provides an excellent forum for the Austin, Texas community to raise funds for deserving local charities. This event, which has been conducted annually at Pease District Park since 1974, is free and enjoyable for the whole family.


A. A. Milne published his collection of short stories in 1926, depicting an anthropomorphic teddy bear, Winnie the Pooh, his human friend, Christopher Robin, and an assortment of other animals, Eeyore being the most notable on this special day. The animal that inspired such a successful charity initiative in Austin takes his cues and overall personality from the unfortunate disposition of the stuffed donkey he was modelled after. The stuffed donkey’s long, heavy head and neck gave it a sad and depressed appearance, as the weight of the head and neck constantly forced the donkey to face the ground.

The “birthday” commemoration of Eeyore in Austin, Texas is unique to the area. Originally intended as a distraction for students during “Dead Week,” the birthday celebration has evolved into a massive charity event. The first time Austin celebrated Eeyore’s birthday, there was little more than a trash can filled with lemonade and beer. However, when the party moved from Eastwoods Park to Pease District Park, a local charity-supporting organisation took over the production and management of the event.

Since its inception, Eeyore’s Birthday has created a space for food and drink purveyors, adults, families, and sponsorships, and has attracted tens of thousands of locals and tourists.

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Attend Eeyore’s celebration.

If you reside nearby or believe the drive is worthwhile, visit Pease District Park on the last Saturday of April. Enjoy yourself while supporting a worthy cause.

Dive into “Winnie the Pooh”

Open a book or view the cartoon. There are numerous pearls of wisdom contained within the series’ innocent perspective on the world.


The primary purpose of the event is to assist locals have a good time and raise money for deserving charities, so if you are able to make a donation, The Friends of the Forest Foundation would be extremely grateful.

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While serving in France during World War I, Lt. Harry Colebourn purchased a bear that he named Winnie for $20. After the war, the bear was sent to the London Zoo, where A. A. Milne and his son Christopher Robin saw her.

Not an infant

In the book series, Christopher Robins’ close friend Eeyore is forty years old.

His name is the noise he produces.

The name Eeyore is derived from the phonetic spelling of the sound made by mules.

The stuffed animals are still present.

The plush dolls that inspired Milne are on display at the New York Public Library.

Walt Disney owns Winnie the Pooh.

In 1961, Disney purchased the rights to “Winnie the Pooh,” and since then, “Pooh” has become one of the most beloved Disney characters of all time.


It is Eeyore’s birthday today.

If you’re a fan of the series or are familiar with Eeyore’s self-loathing character, it’s simple to see why he deserves a bit of special consideration. We adore the fact that he holds his annual celebration in Austin.

It’s a noble cause.

Each year, Eeyore’s Birthday Party raises thousands of dollars for local charities, due to the generosity and spirit of the Austin community. Help them on this special day!

Annually, it takes place on a Saturday

To ensure that everyone has a nice time celebrating Eeyore’s birthday, the event organisers chose a Saturday. This allows everyone to attend, as the event is always held on the last Saturday of the month, which is typically after payroll.


Year Date Day
2022 April 30 Saturday
2023 April 29 Saturday
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday

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