
Global Omega-3 Day™ 2024: Activities, History, FAQs, and Dates

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Global Omega-3 Day™ 2024: March 3 is observed annually as Global Omega-3 DayTM. Omega-3 fatty acids (O-3s) are advantageous dietary components that are present in all cells.

Marine sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are essential for heart, brain, and eye health, as well as for promoting a healthy pregnancy. Omega-3s, EPA, and DHA are insufficiently consumed by 80% of the global population; therefore, Global Omega-3 Day was established to draw attention to these health advantages. The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), a member organization of corporations throughout the EPA and DHA omega-3 supply chain, from fisheries to finished product brands, established Global Omega-3 Day.

Global Omega-3 Day™ History

Nutrition science, which emerged in the early to mid-1900s, is a comparatively new field of study concerned with the utilization of nutrients to prevent disease. The publication of seminal papers by Hans Olaf Bang and Jørn Dyerberg in the 1970s regarding the Indigenous Greenlanders’ remarkably low heart attack rates and their high-fat diet (primarily consisting of whale blubber and salmon) sparked an enormous surge in interest in omega-3 fatty acids.

Since then, over 4,500 human clinical trials and over 50,000 published research papers have been devoted to EPA and DHA omega-3s, the longer-chain omega-3 lipids found in fatty fish that are most strongly associated with numerous health benefits. However, the majority of individuals continue to fail to consume sufficient amounts of these nutrients.

For this reason, GOED established Global Omega-3 Day: to draw attention to these essential nutrients and educate individuals around the world about the critical nature of EPA and DHA omega-3s. It is worldwide and among businesses, health professionals, and individuals alike that the significance of omega-3s and methods for obtaining more EPA and DHA omega-3s are discussed.

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FAQs for Global Omega-3 Day™ 2024

What distinguishes ALA, EPA, and DHA as omega-3 fatty acids?

The three primary omega-3 fatty acids are ALA, DHA, and EPA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is derived from vegetation. ALA is classified as an “essential” omega-3 because the human body is incapable of producing it and must obtain it through diet. It is present in, among other things, seeds (flax, chia), almonds (walnuts), and oils (soybean, canola). The conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA within the body is possible, albeit at a minimal rate.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are omega-3 fatty acids derived from marine (sea) sources. Omega-3s (EPA and DHA) are considered to be the most heart-protective. Additionally, scientific evidence substantiates the beneficial effects of EPA and DHA on the health of the brain, eyes, and prenatal development.

Is there a suggested daily allowance for omega-3 EPA and DHA?

Despite the critical nature of omega-3 fatty acids, neither EPA nor DHA omega-3s have a recognized adequate intake (AI) or dietary reference intake (DRI) in the United States. Global scientific organizations and governments from other nations have established daily recommendations ranging from 250 to 1000 mg of EPA and DHA. For optimal health, GOED advises a daily intake of at least 500 mg EPA+DHA; those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of cardiac disease should take even more.

Omega-3s: Is it conceivable to consume an excess? Or, is there a maximum permissible dosage or the possibility of an overdose?

Long-term consumption of 5 g/day of EPA+DHA is deemed safe by both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Self-regulation is a natural tendency of the human organism when it receives more than it requires. One may experience gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, or an unusual odor emanating from the perspiration.

The fish oil in my capsule smells fishy… Has it spoiled?

Similar to culinary oils, fish oils have a short shelf life and should not be exposed to light or heat. Numerous supplement tablets come in opaque or dark bottles because excessive light and heat can cause oxidation. Although the human body can tolerate a certain amount of oxidation, tablets that have ceased to expire or emit an unpleasant odor should likely be discarded.

How do I determine whether an omega-3 supplement is of high quality?

A dietary supplement is of high quality when it not only adheres to ethical marketing practices but also practices responsible manufacturing. GOED membership is mandatory for all omega-3 supplement manufacturers, who have voluntarily agreed to adhere to ethical and quality standards. A list of these businesses is available at

Global Omega-3 Day™ 2024 Activities

Determine your omega-3 levels

You can either buy a straightforward at-home test device or have a doctor or dietitian check your blood omega-3 levels. Such a test will assist in identifying the necessary dietary modifications.

Determine to consume more fish.

EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids are found in anchovies, salmon, and sardines. Additionally, fish is a superb source of protein and various other nutrients. Fish consumption should be a minimum of twice per week. Even if you consume fish regularly, you may still benefit from taking an omega-3 supplement to replenish your levels. Determine which one provides you with a minimum of 500 mg EPA+DHA per day: fish oil tablets, omega-3 chews, liquid oil, vegan algal oil—or any combination thereof.

Inform all those you know.

Spread the word regarding the significance of EPA and DHA omega-3s. Tag @alwayssomega3s with the hashtag #omega3day.


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