
National Oatmeal Cookie Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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National Oatmeal Cookie Day 2023: On April 30, we will celebrate National Oatmeal Cookie Day in the best manner possible: by eating oatmeal cookies! Occasionally, this day is also observed on March 18 in conjunction with National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day. Given that oatmeal cookies are packed with iron and fibre, you don’t even have to feel regretful about the calories!

The background of National Oatmeal Cookie Day

Oats were used as animal feed thousands of years ago, when they were first cultivated. In regions of northern Europe and Scotland, porridge was made with oats, whereas its consumption in North America was uncommon.

Before the oatmeal biscuit was invented, oatcake existed. Since Roman times, this has been a staple in Scotland and a source of vitality. During times of conflict, soldiers apparently carried oatcakes as a quick snack.

Around 1877, the Quaker Mill Company in Ohio began producing steel-cut oats. They later developed a roller to compress groats, creating modern rolled oats. Quaker Mill and others eventually founded the Quaker Oats Company. Regarding oatmeal biscuits, they date back to the 1800s. Fannie Merritt Farmer invented the first oatmeal biscuit in the United States. In the 1900s, however, Quaker Oats made the astute decision to publish the recipe for oatmeal cookies on their packaging, and the world was introduced to these delectable treats.

While the precise origin of National Oatmeal Cookie Day remains unknown, over the years, people have begun to recognise the deliciousness and health benefits of these cookies.

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Activities on National Oatmeal Cookie Day

Organise a bake-a-thon

Baking oatmeal cookies is not difficult, particularly with the abundance of online recipes and tutorials. Host a modest bake sale at home. Even more, you could sell your biscuits to raise money for charity.

Create a new recipe.

Why not design your own oatmeal cookie recipe? Use your favourite recipe and add a twist of your own. You could substitute ingredients or introduce new flavours; the options are virtually endless.

Consume oatmeal biscuits

What could be a greater way to celebrate than with oatmeal cookies? You can bake them yourself or request them from your preferred bakery. Share the love and distribute cookies to your family and acquaintances as well.

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It is beneficial for the digestive tract.

In a few cases of gastrointestinal disease and constipation, it is extremely beneficial.

It lowers cholesterol.

The beta-glucan fibre in oats reduces cholesterol levels by 5–10% when three grammes of oat fibre are consumed daily.

Muesli is loaded with antioxidants.

Oats contain avenanthramides, which make them an excellent superfood and natural cosmetic aid.

Various kinds

Muesli is available in multiple forms, including old-fashioned oats, steel-cut oats and microwave oats.

It is even a location

There is a town named Muesli in Burnet County, Texas, in the United States.

Why We Love Oatmeal Cookie Day

Oats are a fixture in the American kitchen.

Muesli is a superfood with numerous health advantages, and 80% of U.S. households keep it in their kitchen cabinets. What better way to honour this staple cuisine than by creating a sweet treat from it?

Muesli biscuits are nutritious.

If you are health-conscious but have a serious sweet appetite, oatmeal cookies can help. It is rich in iron, fibre, and other nutrients, while retaining its flavour. You can consume it without concern and observe National Oatmeal Cookie Day in the proper manner.

All cookies are delectable

Cookies, whether traditional or oatmeal, are one of everyone’s favourite indulgences! They are ideal for satisfying your sweet appetite following any meal. It is only fitting that an entire day is devoted to oatmeal biscuits.

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