
Products and Methods For Haircare: Get to Know Your Hair Better

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Products and Methods For Haircare: With a variety of products and even home remedies available for hair care, it is essential to recognise that not all products and methods are suitable for all hair types. Since not knowing our hair type can lead to a wasteful investment in hair care products, it’s time to follow these three simple steps to better understand your hair!

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Products and Methods For Haircare

The Shower Test

The next time you cleanse your hair, dispense with all time-consuming procedures, whether you use a sulfate-free shampoo or a protein conditioner. Wet your hair thoroughly and stand in front of a mirror or place your head upside down with all of your hair hanging down. Examine your damp hair to determine whether it is straight, wavy, or curly. Since some individuals with wavy hair may perceive their hair to be straight when damp, scrunch and plop your hair upside down to determine its actual pattern. Check whether your hair is frizzy after you shower, as frizzy hair is simply wavy or curly hair that requires hydration.

The Test of Float or Sink

This test is as straightforward as it gets for determining the porosity of your hair. The ability of your hair to absorb and retain moisture through the cuticle layer is known as its porosity. Low porosity corresponds to lower and sluggish absorption, whereas high porosity corresponds to higher and quicker absorption. When your hair is completely dried, place a few fallen strands of hair in a glass of water. If it sinks immediately, the porosity is low; if it remains for a while before sinking, the porosity is medium; and if it floats, the porosity is high!

The Crochet Pattern Diagram

According to the universal hair pattern chart, it is essential to recognise that each hair type has been assigned a number and letter in order to differentiate effectively. Your hair may range from 1A straightness to 4C curliness. Remember that individuals may have multiple hair types on occasion. For instance, your extremities may have 3A curls while your lengths have 2B waves. Use the image below to determine your genuine hair type.

Now that you’ve determined your hair type, you can purchase the appropriate hair masks, cleansers, conditioners, serums, etc. Listen to your hair in different climatic conditions to determine how to best care for it, as only by determining its actual condition can you find solutions to your hair problems.


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