
Reading is Funny Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts

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Reading is Funny Day 2023: The purpose of Reading is Funny Day, observed annually on April 1, is to rekindle a love of literature among younger generations. Children find literature to be tedious and archaic due to technological progress and the proliferation of ever-more-engaging television programmes. Therefore, Reading is Funny Day is an ideal time to reintroduce your early children to the reading culture by gifting them or reading to them a humorous book that captures their attention.


To comprehend Reading is Funny Day, we must first examine the Mesopotamian-era origins of the first written book. Around 5400 B.C., the first literary composition, “Kesh Temple Hymn,” was written on clay tablets using cuneiform script.

The earliest quips have been traced back to 1900 B.C. The earliest surviving joke book is “Philogelos,” also known as “Laughter-Lover,” which contains 265 crude ancient Greek quips dating back to the fourth or fifth century A.D. In 1439 A.D., the printing press was invented. made it feasible to print additional copies of books. “A Little Pretty Pocket-Book,” written by John Newbey in 1744, was the first ever written children’s book.

From “The Monster at the End of this Book” by Jon Stone to “Interrupting Chicken” by David Ezra Stein, tens of thousands of books have been published since then that can encourage a love of reading in children. The passage of time has afforded us a vast selection of humorous children’s books from which to choose when selecting the ideal book to celebrate Reading is Funny Day with your children.

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Share a humorous story with or to your child.

Reading is Funny Day is intended to promote a reading culture among youth. Celebrate this day by reading with or to your child a humorous book.

Visit a bookstore or library.

A trip to the library or bookstore with your infant can stimulate his or her interest in reading. Take your child to the library for a special excursion.

Set the tempo

Children are stimulated more by what they observe than by what is said to them. In addition to purchasing comic books for Reading Is Funny Day, you can choose a book to read, and your child may join you. Children are innate mimics.


Approximately 130 million published texts exist.

We cannot tally them all, but approximately 130 million books have been published.

The Bible is the most widely distributed document.

At least five billion printed copies of the Bible have been sold, making it the best-selling book of all time.

The lengthiest novel ever written.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Marcel Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past” is the longest novel ever written, with 9,609,000 characters. (including spaces).

Codices Leicester

The most expensive volume in the world is “The Codex Leicester” by Leonardo da Vinci, which Bill Gates purchased for $30.8 million in 1994.

The Gilgamesh Epic

This mythic poem is considered to be the earliest known fictional work in history.


Year Date Day
2023 April 1 Saturday
2024 April 1 Monday
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday

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