
Sex during periods and pregnancy

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By, Dr. Aruna Muralidhar

There are a zillion and more myths about sex in general and in particular during periods and pregnancy. The desire to engage in sex or love making is very intrinsic to a couple and is to be respected. Evolutionarily and biologically, sex is a reproductive mechanism to propagate the species. In women, typically, the desire for sex increases towards the mid-cycle when she may be ovulating. Also, due to the pheromones, body odour and the lubrication of the vagina, she will be more attractive to her partner during this time.

A menstrual cycle typically lasts anywhere between 21 to 35 days. The ovulation or the egg release happens about 14 days prior to the period and this duration is generally constant. If sex happens during this time and the actual ejaculation happens in or even around the vulva, the active sperms may have the chance of fertilising the egg and result in a pregnancy. The sperms in the vagina have a life span of about 7 days and hence even an ejaculation prior to ovulation can result in pregnancy.

If the woman engages in sex during her proper period, it is very unlikely for a pregnancy to happen as there is no egg to fertilise at this time and also the lining of the uterus is very thin to receive the fertilised egg for implantation. However, there is still a remote possibility of pregnancy, especially if the woman has a short cycle of 21 days or so and the ovulation is immediately following a period.

There may be some benefits to having sex during periods such as relief from cramps due to release of endorphins or feel-good hormones. Some women have relief from menstrual migraines too. However, the biggest downside to having sex during a period is the mess. Also, there is a risk of spreading STI like HIV due to contact with menstrual blood and hence, condoms are recommended even during this time. Also, tampons must be removed and not be forgotten.

Some tips which can help make it more comfortable and less messy, whilst engaging in sex during a period are:

  • Being open and honest with the partner
  • Using condoms to prevent STIs
  • Changing sex positions depending on comfort
  • Removing the tampon
  • Spreading a dark towel to catch any leaks or having sex in the shower
  • Keeping wet wipes or a wet cloth handy

Sex during pregnancy

The hormonal riot during pregnancy can cause a variety of sexual feelings and may either increase or decrease libido. Some women feel a heightened need for intimacy during this period. And it is perfectly safe to have sex during pregnancy unless the doctor has advised against it especially in conditions like threatened miscarriage, vaginal infection, repeated urinary infections, low lying placenta and leakage of the fluid from the amniotic sac of the baby. If the pregnancy is going normally and there are no complications, having sex and orgasms will not increase the risk of miscarriage or going into labour early.

The sex positions will need change according to your comfort. This may be a time when the couple may want to explore and experiment with positions together. Also breast stimulation may be uncomfortable as they are generally sore due to all the changes happening in pregnancy.

In conclusion, sex is a pleasurable activity that a woman might want to engage in and as long as there are no contraindications, there is not harm in engaging in it during periods and during pregnancy.

(The author is a senior Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Fortis La Femme, Bangalore.)


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