
Top 3 Breathing Techniques To Endure Any Weather

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Top 3 Breathing Techniques To Endure Any Weather: People don’t expect the sudden changes in the weather these days. When compared to the ancient era, the modern era is just wild. The people who lived in the past were the best at predicting the weather and changes in the climate. In contrast, heavy rain and flooding have been happening out of the blue in modern times, which may be because of changes in the climate. Some people may find it hard to breathe in the cold, like those who are weak or who have sinus problems, asthma, or other breathing problems. It is very important to keep your lungs healthy and happy when it is cold outside. You should learn how to breathe in these ways no matter what the weather is like, hot or cold. People have become more aware of how important it is to take care of their lungs since the coronavirus went viral. In the same way, fighting climate change requires healthy lungs. So, learn how to breathe in these ways to be ready for any weather.

Top 3 Breathing Techniques To Endure Any Weather

Alternate Nostril Breathing:

Instead of being called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, alternate nostril breathing is known to help people relax and feel less anxious. It would also make the respiratory system stronger. To get comfortable, all you have to do is sit up straight with your legs crossed and take long breaths in and out. Now, put your right hand in the Nasagra mudra and your left hand on your thigh in the chin mudra. Close your right nostril with your right thumb and take a deep breath in through your left nostril. Then, close it with your little ring fingers and open your right nostril to let out air. Once more, breathe in through your right nostril and out through your left. Do it nine times back and forth to keep your breathing smooth no matter what the weather is like.

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Breathing from the belly:

Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is a good way to breathe that may help your body get more oxygen. It might help lower blood pressure and make you feel more relaxed. You just need to lie down on the ground (or the bed if the ground is too cold) and put a pillow under your knees and head. Now, put one hand on your heart and the other on your belly button. And breathe in through your nose. Pay attention to how your stomach moves. Once you’re done, let out the air through your mouth, using your stomach muscles.

The Ocean Breathing:

The word “Ujjayi” in “Ujjayi Pranayama” means “to conquer” in Sanskrit. Ocean breathing technique is good for strengthening the respiratory system. Besides that, it would keep the body’s temperature stable. One way to do this is to take a deep breath through both nostrils while keeping the glottis half-closed. That’s all there is to it, even if it seems hard at first. Close your eyes and sit up straight on the floor in a meditative pose.

To calm down, take a long breath in and out of your mouth. Close your mouth for now and breathe in and out while tightening your throat. While you’re breathing out, it would make noise. Make sure to take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and then let it out while your throat is tight. This breathing method is very powerful and good for your mind and body as a whole.



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