
World Autism Awareness Day 2023: Date, History, Traditions and How To Celebrate

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World Autism Awareness Day 2023: World Autism Awareness Day is April 2. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is 4,3 times more prevalent in males than it is in girls, according to CDC statistics. According to the Child Mind Institute, this is because girls “often go undiagnosed because they don’t fit autism stereotypes and they mask symptoms better than boys do.” There is no greater way to commemorate this day than by learning about the characteristics of individuals with this condition, as well as what we can all do to increase our own understanding and promote kindness.


April 2 is observed as World Autism Awareness Day. The day recognises and promotes the rights of individuals with autism. The disorder typically manifests in childhood and persists into maturity.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder characterised by behavioural and communicational traits that impair a person’s social interaction skills and cause repetitive and restricted behaviour.

Eugen Bleuler, a psychiatrist, coined the term “autism” in 1911 to characterise a cluster of symptoms that were previously thought to be simple symptoms of schizophrenia, such as extreme social withdrawal.

In 1943, paediatric psychiatrist Dr. Leo Kanner characterised autism as a social and emotional disorder in his article “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact,” and in 1944, Hans Asperger published his “Autism Psychopathology Article” in which he defined autism as a disorder of children with normal intelligence who struggle with social and communication skills. These articles were a significant contribution to the studies that led to the 1980 classification of autism as a distinct disorder from schizophrenia.

World Autism Awareness Day was established on April 2 of each year by the “United Nations General Assembly” on “Resolution 62/139” on December 18, 2007 to encourage member states to take action in raising awareness about people with autism spectrum disorder and to support research finding new ways to improve wellness and inclusion.

In the fifth edition of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” published in 2013, the “American Psychiatric Association” introduced the concept of autism as a spectrum by combining all subcategories of autism and related conditions into a single category with varying characteristics, severity, and presentation of symptoms.

The Traditions of the day

World Autism Awareness Day honours the resiliency of those afflicted by the disorder and promotes awareness-raising initiatives. Children are taught about autism and encouraged to embrace it in schools. As autistic children are frequently bullied, it is crucial that their peers are accepting and tolerant of them. Autism’s symptoms are not always readily apparent, which is why adults (especially parents) are also educated on the subject. A portion of the revenue generated by local businesses and retail centres is donated to autism-related causes and organisations.


Online information sharing

Even though almost everyone has access to information today, there are still many people who are unaware of autism and its characteristics. Become an advocate for the autistic community through widespread education.

Participate in autism associations

Numerous individuals with autism or who have a family member with autism are members of a local, national, or international organisation. Contact them in order to participate in any activities planned for the day.

Take care of the individuals you know with an autism spectrum diagnosis.

World Autism Awareness Day is the ideal opportunity to celebrate with autistic companions. Plan sensory-sensitive activities for both of you and bring gluten-free and casein-free snacks to share.


The frequency

1 in 59 children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in 2018; males are more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.

Early diagnosis can be extremely beneficial.

Autism can be diagnosed as early as 2 years of age; therefore, early intervention provides the greatest opportunity to promote health.

Autism spectrum includes associated disorders

Children with autism are more likely than other children to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, and more than half of autistic children have chronic sleep disorders.

An expensive disorder

Autism is estimated to have a cost of $196 billion per year for adults and $66 billion per year for children in terms of required services (including diet).

It’s fantastic to be unique!

Take Tim Burton, Charles Darwin, Bill Gates, and Albert Einstein as examples of people with autism spectrum disorders who have made significant contributions to society with the aid of treatment and environmental support.


There is no cure, but treatments are available!

Today, there are numerous treatments for autism spectrum disorders, but they are only accessible after a proper diagnosis! By raising awareness, we can assist others in contacting specialists and initiating a treatment that can improve their health.

Instead of trying to transform, begin by understanding!

Autism spectrum disorders are characterised by distinct traits, behaviors, preferences, and modes of action! The secret is to comprehend their worldview and performance without attempting to alter them.

Adulthood with autism spectrum disorder

There is no treatment available for autism spectrum disorders! Autism is a lifelong condition, and research shows that job activities that promote independence can improve daily skills and reduce autism symptoms.


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