
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day 2023: Date, History and Facts

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Childhood Stroke Awareness Day 2023: Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, also known as Paediatric Stroke Awareness Day, is observed annually on the first Saturday of May, which falls on May 6 this year, to bring attention to the national crisis of paediatric strokes, an apparently uncommon yet crucial issue that often flies under the radar for millions of people. Since its inception in 2002, the day has cast light on paediatric strokes and heart attacks. Thousands of infants and toddlers are at risk for a stroke, but parents and carers are unprepared to handle its sudden occurrence. Through the observation, the public receives information regarding the timely detection of symptoms and emergent care instructions.


Discover the symptoms

Stroke symptoms include abrupt weakness or numbness, slurred speech, balance issues, limping, vision loss, and seizures. Numerous parents and carers are oblivious to the warning signs of a stroke, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. This Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, educate yourself on the symptoms of a stroke and be prepared to administer immediate first aid.

Attend the retreat.

In Texas, the Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association hosts an annual retreat. Hemiplegia is a condition resulting from intermittent brain injury that causes partial paralysis of the body. Numerous paediatric strokes result in hemiplegia in patients. The retreat brings together families of children with hemiplegia to establish a support system and is accessible to all.

Share the news

Every adult should be aware of the obvious symptoms and immediate treatment required for children at risk for a stroke. Share the information with your social media followers and inform everyone you know about the fatal consequences of paediatric strokes.


It is an endless cycle

After an initial stroke, the risk of subsequent strokes ranges between 15% and 18%.

You might never learn about it.

The signs and symptoms of a stroke are frequently misdiagnosed as migraines or epilepsy.

It’s more prevalent than you may assume

One in 2,000 neonates less than one month old are at risk for perinatal stroke.

as harmful as a tumour

The incidence of paediatric strokes is comparable to that of paediatric brain tumours.

The far-reaching effect

Approximately sixty percent of stroke survivors are left with persistent neurological deficits, such as cerebral palsy or partial paralysis.

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It is lifesaving.

Childhood Stroke Awareness Day highlights the precarious condition of infant healthcare in the United States. The primary objective of the day is to provide primary paediatric carers with information about neurological symptoms, such as partial limb paralysis or difficulty walking, and to encourage prompt consultation with a physician.

It raises awareness.

The public is barely cognizant of the risk of paediatric strokes, with the majority dismissing the concept of heart problems in children. Parents and carers are equipped with vital information regarding the detection, treatment, and aftercare of stroke patients as a result of the awareness campaign.

It is educational

Since 2002, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been a leading advocate for reason and action regarding paediatric strokes in the United States. With this annual event, the hospital conducts infomercials and distributes informational packets to educate the public about the early symptoms of paediatric strokes and heart attacks.


Did you know that strokes are among the top 10 causes of mortality among children in the United States? Stroke survivors frequently experience permanent neurological impairments, such as paralysis, vision and speech difficulties, and intermittent convulsions. Children are not thought to be susceptible to strokes or heart attacks. It has long been believed that only the elderly suffer from strokes. However, it can affect any age group, beginning in infancy. Each year, 26 out of every 100,000 infants and 6 out of every 100,000 newborns suffer a stroke, of which 12 percent are fatal. This statistic highlights the significance of dedicating one day to a cause. It is a medical emergency that can leave survivors with enduring injuries.

A stroke, a sudden neurologic injury, is caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain as a result of clot formation or arterial rupture. Stroke patients may experience irreversible neurological damage, including impaired mobility, behavioural changes, academic performance impairments, and even mortality.

Childhood Stroke Awareness Day draws necessary attention to this issue. The holiday was created by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which in 2002 launched the first-ever programme for paediatric stroke patients. The hospital continues to educate the public about the preventative measures, symptoms, and prompt treatment of paediatric strokes. In 2007, the U.S. Senate unequivocally approved a resolution designating the first Saturday in May as National Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, following in the footsteps of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.


Year Date Day
2022 May 7 Saturday
2023 May 6 Saturday
2024 May 4 Saturday
2025 May 3 Saturday
2026 May 2 Saturday

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