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International Whale Shark Day 2023: Date, History, Significance, Activities, Facts

In addition, a number of nonprofits and organisations have been founded to protect these whales. There are numerous methods for you to participate

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International Whale Shark Day 2023

International Whale Shark Day 2023: It’s only reasonable that everyone’s favourite fish, the whale shark, gets a piece of the pie. The rabbits have Easter in the bag, and Christmas is all about Rudolph, so it’s only right that the whale shark, everyone’s favourite fish, gets a slice of the pie.

Learn about International Day of the Whale Shark

International Whale Shark Day was created so that we can commemorate and raise awareness of these incredible marine animals. We must protect and conserve the whale shark because their population is dwindling. These gentle creatures fascinate both aquatic enthusiasts and marine biologists, but it is up to us to ensure their populations grow and futures are safeguarded. This is the purpose of International Whale Shark Day.

Whale sharks are breathtaking to observe and even more intriguing to learn about. They are however becoming endangered. According to the IUCN, which is the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, they are one of the most endangered marine species.

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Some fascinating facts about whale sharks

Are these creatures sharks? Or, could they be whales? Whale shark is a type of shark. Let’s clarify this up first and foremost. In fact, the whale shark is the largest shark species on the planet. They can reach a maximum length of 14 metres and an average weight of 12 tonnes. Despite being so large, their canines are quite small, measuring only six millimetres in length.

Each whale shark has a unique pattern, which is one of the most intriguing facts about them. The epidermis of a whale shark is completely unique, similar to a human fingerprint. This enables researchers to conduct visual analytics on a whale shark in order to correctly identify and track it.

One of the reasons whale sharks are so vulnerable is that they travel slowly and at shallow depths in the ocean. Despite being able to descend to depths of up to 1,000 metres, they prefer to swim in seas with depths of approximately 50 metres. They swim at a pace of approximately five kilometres per hour. They are therefore extremely susceptible to entanglement in fishing nets and ship collisions.

International Day of the Whale Shark

International Whale Shark Day was established in 2012 to honour these gentle creatures. Whale sharks can reach lengths of 14 metres and weights of 12 tonnes, and their faces are so ugly that only a mother could adore them. Since whale sharks will never win a beauty contest, it is only fitting that they are honoured annually. The day has a serious purpose, which is to raise awareness of how this animal has been hunted to extinction for its highly valued fins and flesh.

The IUCN reclassified the whale shark from a vulnerable species to an endangered species in 2016, which is extremely alarming. According to some estimates, only tens of thousands of these sharks are thought to exist across the globe. There are a variety of causes for the decline of whale sharks. Obviously, hunting plays a significant role. However, there have been instances of whale sharks colliding with vessels and becoming entangled in fishing gear. In certain regions of Asia, whale shark-derived products are in high demand.

Obviously, we cannot discuss the peril to marine life without mentioning plastic. Plastic waste finds its way into our environments. Plastic can readily become lodged in the digestive tract of a whale shark, causing significant problems. When this occurs, the whale will typically starve to death because it will no longer be able to consume. It is not difficult to understand why the lives of so many whale sharks are in danger and why we must do our part to protect this endangered species, given everything that has been stated.

How to commemorate World Whale Shark Day

Why not celebrate our finned friends on International Whale Shark Day and demonstrate a little solidarity? Visit the coast and attempt to spot a whale or bake a (fish)cake. Whatever you do, avoid watching Jaws.

There are numerous methods to commemorate International Whale Shark Day. You could, for instance, learn more about the creature and raise awareness through your online presence, whether you are active on social media or maintain a blog. It is essential that as many people as possible are made aware of the situation so that we can all work together to protect these animals. You will discover an abundance of infographics and other content to share with your friends, family, and followers as the date approaches.

In addition, a number of nonprofits and organisations have been founded to protect these whales. There are numerous methods for you to participate. Obviously, a donation to any organisation will be greatly appreciated, particularly since the majority of these organisations will rely solely on donations. In addition, you can donate your services. Why not volunteer at the organisation and in the process you can learn more about whale sharks?

In honour of International Whale Shark Day, you can also reduce your use of plastic and ensure that you recycle properly by reducing your plastic consumption and recycling correctly. Additionally, you can raise awareness of this issue. In the end, if you contribute to the global effort to reduce the amount of plastic that winds up in our oceans, you will not only be able to aid whale sharks, but also all marine life. If you devote some time to reading about the global plastic problem, you will likely be astounded by its severity and the damage it is causing. There are some genuinely horrific tales of marine animals that have perished as a result of this, so take the time to spread the word that people should reduce their plastic consumption and recycle their trash.

You can also search up photographs and videos of these incredible creatures. You can find numerous incredible photographs of whale sharks with a fast search on the Internet. They are genuinely astounding. These images can also be shared on social media platforms. We are certain that the whale shark’s incredible appearance will pique the interest of a few individuals, and you can use this as an opportunity to educate them about the remarkable species.


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