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National Preschooler’s Day 2024 (US): History, FAQs, Dates, Activities, and Facts

National Preschooler's Day 2024, observed on March 8, commemorates the initial educational phase for children aged three to five, highlighting the diverse approaches and debates surrounding preschool education.

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National Preschooler's Day 2024 (US) History, FAQs, Dates, Activities, and Facts About pre-schoolers

National Preschooler’s Day 2024 (US): National Preschooler’s Day is annually observed on the second Friday of March. The event occurs this year on March 8. Preschool serves as the initial educational phase for youngsters ranging in age from three to five years. Diverse approaches exist in the realm of preschool education, and these have been the subject of debate in the same way that individuals dispute the most effective teaching strategies for young children.

Preschools vary in duration, with some operating for a half-day or an entire day. While some advocate for a more structured classroom environment in preschool, others contend that a more relaxed atmosphere is more conducive to exploration, imaginative play, and discovery.

It is observed one week before National School Teachers’ Appreciation Day and honors all preschool-aged children in the United States. Preschool educators fulfill a critical and pivotal function during the child’s most critical, formative, and perceptive period of development. During this period, infants begin to develop cognitive concepts and gain an understanding of their environment. We observe this day to honor our infants during their formative years.

National Preschooler’s Day History

Preschool education originated in Europe during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Although the precise inception of National Preschooler’s Day for Americans is unknown, it is possible that President Johnson established the holiday in 1965. Head Start was the inaugural publicly funded preschool in the United States during that particular year. It was established to assist and support students who lacked the financial means to attend school. One in ten children of preschool age attended a formal preschool at that time. In the 1980s, states began to subsidize preschools for low-income families, a mere fifteen years later.

Preschool received more attention from the general public as a result of government initiatives like increased maternal employment rates and anti-poverty programs. Furthermore, an abundance of research was conducted regarding the profound transformation and importance of brain development in young children. More than half of children aged three to five were thus enrolled in preschool as of 2005. Presently, young children have access to a variety of preschool and prekindergarten options in the majority of states.

It is common knowledge that each developing child in preschools intended for children always has a preschool teacher by their side to offer support and guidance. Additionally, it is not the most straightforward position because each child is unique and possesses distinct learning requirements and capabilities. Individual differences may manifest in terms of aptitude for the intelligence quotient or aptitude for the affective domain. The purpose of National Preschooler’s Day is to honor preschool teachers in addition to preschool pupils.

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FAQs regarding National Preschooler’s Day

At what age does education begin?

Preschool is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as the age group encompassing three to five years. Nevertheless, no explicit regulation exists. Children typically begin their educational journey between the ages of three and four.

Who established preschool?

Louise Scheppler and Johann Friedrich Oberlin established an early institution in 1779 to provide daytime education for preschool-aged children during parental absences.

What knowledge is most crucial for preschool-aged children to possess?

Preschoolers are required to acquire “pre-skills,” which serve as the cornerstone for their future endeavors. Preschoolers acquire the skills necessary to read, write, and comprehend arithmetic through the implementation of a variety of training strategies.

Participation in National Pre-Schooler’s Day activities

Enroll the child.

If you have children between the ages of three and five, now is the time to investigate potential preschools for enrollment. Inquire with the institutions in your neighborhood that offer curricula for preschoolers.

Expand your research

Whether or not you have a child, it is always beneficial to increase your knowledge of the developmental years between the ages of three and five. One might acquire some insight regarding the art of setting priorities upon the arrival of their prospective children.

Exhibit affection towards your preschool educators.

Consider everything they assisted you in accomplishing when you were younger; it is always evocative, even if you no longer see your preschool instructor. Expressions of gratitude can be conveyed through phone calls or sincere letters.

Five fascinating facts regarding pre-schoolers

Handedness is determined.

An infant will develop a preference for using their left or right hand by the age of three.

They are capable of learning to attire.

Although they can dress and undress themselves, they may still require assistance.

20/20 optical

Child vision approaches perfection or occurs at a rate of 20/20.

The extent of their vocabulary is greater.

They ought to have the capacity to articulate approximately 500 to 900 words.

They can consume independently.

They should be proficient with utensils and capable of feeding themselves.


Year Date Day
2024 March 8 Friday
2025 March 14 Friday
2026 March 13 Friday


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