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National Crepe Suzette Day 2023: Date, History, Significance and Facts

Crepe Suzette is a French delicacy consisting of a crisp, thinly rolled or folded crepe and a sauce comprised of caramelised sugar and butter, orange juice and French liqueurs such as Grand Marnier and other flavoured liqueurs such as triple sec.

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National Crepe Suzette Day 2023: Date, History, Significance and Facts

National Crepe Suzette Day 2023: National Pancake Suzette Day is annually observed on May 6. It is a day to savour a delectable dish with an intriguing backstory. According to one account, Henri Charpentier, then a 15-year-old assistant waiter at Monte Carlo’s Cafe de Paris, inadvertently invented the dish in 1895. Charpentier was preparing meals for Prince Edward of Wales and his distinguished visitor, Suzette, a French noblewoman. He accidentally spoiled a sauce for crepes, but later realised he had created a delicious new dish. The prince chose the moniker “Crepe Suzette.”

National Crepe Suzette Day’s Past

Who can refuse a delicacy that looks so appetising? Pancake Suzette appears frequently on the menus of upscale restaurants. They can be made with minimal effort, contrary to popular belief. All that is required is a harmonious combination of ingredients.

Crepe Suzette is a French delicacy consisting of a crisp, thinly rolled or folded crepe and a sauce comprised of caramelised sugar and butter, orange juice and French liqueurs such as Grand Marnier and other flavoured liqueurs such as triple sec. As the tale appears in Charpentier’s autobiography, the dish was named after a beautiful French woman named Suzette. Its origin, however, is the subject of numerous legends.

However, the “Larousse Gastronomique” (an encyclopaedia that exhaustively describes French cuisine, including recipes and culinary techniques) questions the veracity of the story. There are rumours that the dish was named after the French actress Suzanne Reichenberg. She conducted business under the name “Suzette.”

Although the origin of the dish is unknown, its delicious flavour is certain to win over foodies and picky diners alike. In his autobiography titled “Life à la Henri,” Charpentier writes that the dish’s flavour “would convert a cannibal into a gentleman.”


Discover how to create crepes Suzette

The best method to spend the day is to prepare homemade crepes Suzette. If you have never prepared crepes, you can enrol in a baking or culinary course.

Plan a modest gathering.

Host a small gathering and invite family and close friends to sample the crepes Suzette you’ve prepared or purchased from a restaurant. White wine and other alcoholic beverages are not the only expensive alcoholic beverages. You may simply serve lukewarm coffee or chocolate, freshly squeezed juice, or soda.

Develop a novel dish

You may experiment with crepes Suzette and create a new dish by combining different but appropriate ingredients. Who knows, maybe you’ll devise a brand-new, sweet dessert!

Beer Pong Day 2023: Date, History, Significance and Facts

Five Interesting Crepes Facts

France abounds with crepes

In France, crepes are an incredibly popular market food.

There is a designated day for making crepes.

The majority of French citizens devote February 2 to preparing crepes; this day is known as le jour des crepes.

They come in two varieties

Crepes, which are a mixture of eggs, warmed butter, milk and wheat, come in two varieties: sweet crepes (made with white wheat flour and flavoured with sugar and flavouring) and savory/salty galettes (made with dark buckwheat flour and garnished with, for example, ham and cheese).

Crepes are diverse

Fresh berries, sliced fruit, jams, soft cheese, whipped cream, nuts, coconut, chocolate, fresh herbs, and even sautéed vegetables such as mushrooms, shallots, and spinach can be used to fill crepes.

They are served either hot or chilled.

Savoury crepes are served hot, whereas sweet crepes (served for breakfast or as a dessert) can be served either hot or chilled.


It’s a day to appreciate cookery.

Those of us who enjoy cooking and eating may make crepes Suzette for this holiday. There is a chef in all of us, and it’s worthwhile to give this recipe a shot.

Crepes are a delectable treat

We adore tasty cuisine. Creating crepes Suzette is a “good excuse” to satiate our taste buds.

It’s a day to sample novel flavours.

We adore it when individuals cook and create entirely new dishes. We are thrilled because today is crepe-making day and someone, somewhere, might accidentally create a new dish!


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