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Refresh Your Goals Day 2023: Date, History, Facts and Activities

Today, Albertsons/Safeway, one of the largest food and drug retailers in the United States, supports and empowers individuals in achieving and pursuing their health and wellness objectives by commemorating the holiday with a healthy twist.

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Refresh Your Goals Day 2023: Date, history, facts and activitites

Refresh Your Goals Day 2023: We celebrate Refresh Your Goals Day on April 19th. This national holiday is the ideal time to reevaluate and prioritise your personal objectives. Refresh Your Goals Day serves as a reminder to renew and revitalise our health and wellness objectives.

Today, Albertsons/Safeway, one of the largest food and drug retailers in the United States, supports and empowers individuals in achieving and pursuing their health and wellness objectives by commemorating the holiday with a healthy twist. Through the Albertsons/Safeway Sincerely HealthTM platform, you can assess your progress and participate in challenges designed to boost your motivation and keep you on track.

Albertsons/Safeway is collaborating with Apple Health to assist all Americans in achieving wellness. Through the platform, users can link their Apple Watches or iPhones and earn bonus points for reaching their daily personal objectives. With this holiday, we encourage everyone to celebrate and use this special occasion to recommit to their health and wellness goals. Together, we can bring about a change for a healthier future.


Did you know that the practise of setting objectives dates back to the ancient Greeks, approximately 4,000 years ago? They believed that goal-setting was essential for achieving success and living a fulfilling existence.

Throughout history, setting objectives has been a potent tool that has helped us become better versions of ourselves. From primordial cultures to the present day, ambitions and aspirations have shaped and propelled our lives. Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues, in which he divided his life into 13 distinct objectives ranging from frugality to resolution, is one of the most famous examples. This timeless practise has been demonstrated to be effective in achieving our goals and finding happiness in life.

Refresh Your Goals Day is sponsored by Albertsons and Safeway to encourage individuals to recommit to their health and wellness objectives. Whether you want to lose weight, quit smoking, or live a healthier lifestyle in general, this day is an opportunity for us all to take time out of our busy schedules and concentrate on our personal commitments.

HOW TO Observe Refresh Your Objectives Day

Follow your objectives!

Utilise Sincerely HealthTM to monitor your objectives and get back on track. The free health and wellness platform is intended to help users eat better, move more, and adopt healthy lifestyle routines, all while earning rewards.

Participate in a Mindful Eating Test

On Refresh Your Goals Day, set yourself the challenge of eating mindfully. This involves paying attention to your food, savouring each morsel, and being aware of how your body feels as you consume. Choose heart-healthy and weight-loss-promoting foods, such as berries, nuts, and avocados, and consume them slowly and deliberately. You may be astounded at how much more enjoyable and satisfying your meals become.

Begin advancing!

You can commence an active lifestyle by keeping track of your daily steps. Daily walks are one of the most effective methods to achieve the recommended amount of physical activity. In addition to setting specific exercise days, you can verify their completion at the conclusion of the week. Although attaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, Sincerely HealthTM is here to assist you in tracking your progress and providing motivation. Although attaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, Sincerely HealthTM is here to assist you in tracking your progress and providing motivation.

Piñata Day 2023: Date, History, Activities and Facts


Eat Better

Learn about mindful eating and lifestyle regimens, and select foods that meet your nutritional requirements.

Live Better

Consider the effects of your behaviour and lifestyle choices on your health. Define your objectives, monitor your progress through connected devices, and acquire actionable insights.

Feel Better

Manage prescriptions and refills, remain up-to-date on immunisations, and virtually connect with healthcare providers, all through the enhanced pharmacy experience.

Follow your objectives

Monitoring your progress can help you remain motivated and focused on reaching your health objectives. Using a journal, app, or fitness tracker to track your progress can assist you in achieving your objectives.

Get Rewarded

Receive grocery coupons for actions including account creation, pharmacy account linkage, and more. Additionally, you can earn Healthy Points for achieving objectives and completing other healthy activities, which can be redeemed for additional grocery discounts.


Renewed Initiative

Refresh Your Goals Day affords us the opportunity to reconsider our personal health and wellness objectives and renew our commitment to achieving them. By pausing to reset and realign our focus, we can approach our objectives with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

Be robust and content!

Healthy individuals are typically calmer, more productive, and enjoy a higher quality of life. According to The Positive Psychology Centre, “striving for well-being will allow you to perform better at work, have better relationships, a stronger immune system, fewer sleep problems, lower levels of burnout, [and] better physical health.”

You can motivate others to better their health.

The more you take care of yourself, the more your friends and family will notice and ask you for advice on health, nutrition, and maintaining an active lifestyle. They may even request to accompany you on your journey! Taking care of your health can inspire others to do so as well.


Year Date Day
2023 April 19 Wednesday
2024 April 19 Friday
2025 April 19 Saturday
2026 April 19 Sunday
2027 April 19 Monday
