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Singles Day 2023: History, FAQs, Activities, Dates, and Facts About Singles Day

It originated when solitary students at Nanjing University in China selected November 11 (due to its resemblance to a collection of sticks) as a day of celebration rather than lamentation over their lack of a partner.

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Singles Day 2023

Singles Day 2023: November 11 features Singles Day celebrations. It is a Chinese commercial holiday observed by the single community to celebrate their singular status. It originated when solitary students at Nanjing University in China selected November 11 (due to its resemblance to a collection of sticks) as a day of celebration rather than lamentation over their lack of a partner. It rapidly evolved into a festive, unofficial occasion during which singles throughout China indulge in extravagant dinners and purchases of products they would not have otherwise purchased for themselves. Singles Day has emerged from its modest beginnings as the preeminent online purchasing occasion globally, amassing $25 billion in sales in 2017. This figure easily exceeds the combined sales of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Singles Day History

A cohort of optimistic yet solitary students at Nanjing University resolved on 11/11/1993 to commemorate their single status rather than lamenting their lack of a romantic partner. The rationale? 11/11 resembles four solitary sticks strung together in an attempt to maximize their time.

The commemoration of single status in opposition to Valentine’s Day gained traction and spread to universities across China; it was typically comprised of lighthearted and innocuous occasions. As an illustration, a student reserved every available seat in a movie theater and forbade couples from seating adjacent to one another during the showing of the appropriately named romantic film Beijing Love Story.

That is the extent to which the holiday celebrations descend into anti-couple mischief. The majority of the time is devoted to purchasing, in part because of Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang, who in 2009 established the first Singles Day sale, sparking a trend that has since surpassed Cyber Monday in terms of single-day transactions.

Although the holiday has undergone commercialization, its essence and theme remain true to its original purpose, which was to honor and celebrate one’s self, friends, and loved ones, irrespective of one’s romantic standing.

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Singular Day FAQs

Is a bachelor’s day observed?

Yes. Singles Day occurs annually on November 11. Originally intended as a celebration of romantic independence, this day has since evolved into the largest purchasing holiday of the entire year.

What exactly is Singles Day?

The English translation of Guanggun Jie is “Singles Day,” which literally translates to “Single Sticks Day.” This pun on the appearance of the date 11/11 inspired the name Singles Day.

What exactly does Singles Day entail?

Singles Day is observed because even those who are not married deserve a memorable occasion of their own.

The originator of Singles Day?

Singles Day was founded at Nanjing University in China by four unattached male students. However, Jack Ma, the CEO of Alibaba, transformed it into a well-known purchasing holiday.

Engaging in Singles Day Activities

Meet people and interact, you bold single person!

“Bachelor’s Day” was the origin of Singles Day in China, and many singles would do anything to meet the perfect partner. Why not organize a mixer for blind dates with your single friends? Who knows what might occur?!

Indulge in that extravagant item that you desire.

Alibaba’s success has inspired retailers worldwide to implement distinctive, singles-focused promotions. Take advantage of the special offers—a one-way ticket to Fiji, for example. Certainly, sir.

Create an inventory of gratitude for yourself and share it on social media.

List at least ten things that you are grateful for about yourself, such as the fact that you are paying your own expenses, attending yoga class today, or performing exceptionally well at work. Astound your peers with the awesomeness that you inspire by sharing it. The likelihood is that if you begin to love yourself, others will follow suit in due course.

Five astounding facts regarding Singles Day

It generated $25 billion within twenty-four hours.

With sales exceeding $25 billion, Singles Day 2017 was the largest shopping day in the history of the globe, a 40% increase from 2016.

140,000 brands had over 15 million products listed.

The categories of wellness and infant products, which included vitamins, diapers, and formula, exhibited the highest sales figures.

There were 812 million packages dispatched.

The astounding nature of this figure is further compounded by the fact that the initial order was successfully delivered 12.18 minutes after its purchase.

There were 1.48 billion online transactions documented.

Throughout the twenty-four-hour period, 1.48 billion online transactions were recorded on Alibaba’s Alipay platform. Ninety percent were mobile.

Prime Day was eclipsed by Singles Day in minutes.

Amazon Prime Day 2017 generated approximately $1 billion in merchandise sales within twenty-four hours; Singles Day 2017 surpassed that figure in two minutes.


Year Date Day
2023 November 11 Saturday
2024 November 11 Monday
2025 November 11 Tuesday
2026 November 11 Wednesday
2027 November 11 Thursday
